Alright hi, Gatx is my handle that I use for basically everything and signed up with before I saw that most everyone actually had name names. Should not to be confused with the "General American Transportation Corporation." This will be my first time on a roleplaying board. Am an aspiring writer so I thought I'd stretch my legs in something like this a bit. Also a big fan of Fate, Kara no Kyoukai, and no absolutely nothing about Tsukihime other than that Melty Blood was a cool fighting game.
So I have to say, I am pretty baffled by the layout of this place and am barely figuring out what's what though I think I'm getting it . . . slowly.
Hello and welcome to the site gatx! The site is based in Fate Stay Night and we tend to avoid Tsukihime here. So you should have no problems with understanding the background. If you have any questions feel free to drop by the ooc box located here or if you just want to chat. It would also help to familiarize yourself with the character pointers here .
"Without a foundation it cannot be achieved! Without love it cannot be seen! Without having the manners to not completely make an ass of yourself and rage at the mods you cannot be approved!"