So I have been lurking around this cool looking board for a bit and decided to join this game with a Master and a Servant. However it seems the Teams and Reservations announcement does not seem to be 100% up to date so I figured I'd ask before doing a bunch of work only to be told the slot isn't available
I'm looking to do either a Caster, Saber, or Archer class. Preferably in W2 is it seems more active. I ask because some of the listings seem old or I think might have moved. However how are they availible with respect to both worlds at the moment?
Also I wanted to ask about a Concept for a Master to also play in either W1 or W2. I wanted to know if the idea of a homunculus built for melee combat would be permissible, allowing her to bypass some human physical limits by being built for that from the ground up like a lower quality Leysritt.
So if I read that right the third time would that mean a Caster and/or Archer is open for nabbing in W1 then?
Also what is the threshold on a profile WIP lapsing? I'd hate to steal a spot but I asked this after poking around and noting Witege over on Secundus has been since April without updating and the comments there imply it has lapsed and is open. While plenty of others have been there awhile. With nothing to do this weekend I was hoping to have mine constructed this weekend.
And is a honunculi well I'll take that and get to work. If it helps I'm not looking to have someone who can fight Servants, I'm just looking for a way to have higher physical performance comparable to but without using active Reinforcement like seems almost ubiquitous around here. And would have only basic-ish magic on the side.